In Venice they have a very prestigious film festival since many many years. Being a film fan I finally decided to go. I watched several movies but two were the most striking. Persecution and Adrift (Choi voi). The Vietnamese one is surely the best film I've seen there.
In both films the characters have one problem: love. It may sound banal, but the problem is not finding love, being betrayed or breaking up. The problem is loving: what is the shape of love? How are we supposed to behave with the loved one? What do we want them to do? The answer in Persecution is that at some point we must stop struggling and accept happiness. Adrift shows loves in its many faces: the official one (a married couple with different needs), the unspoken love (a writer in love with her friend, the married girl), the passionate love (between the inexperienced wife and an expert lover) and the innocent love (between the distracted young husband and the neighbor).